Thursday, March 06, 2008

Rebutting Islamophobes on Conservative Radio

I heard Jeff Siddiqui, a Muslim da'wah activist from Seattle, was interviewed by a conservative talk radio last year and he was really good in presenting his arguments correcting misconceptions about Islam and Muslims!

What the NBC website really shows that the propaganda of Islamophobes is working.  Label all terrorism and crimes done by Muslims with adjective "Islamic" or "Muslim", but don't associate those done by Jews, Christians, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheists, with their belief.  Even the word "Jihad" which is a word that has noble meaning in the Qur'an has been used  frequently now with negative connotation in "jihadist, another label for "terrorist".

As far as I know the only station that has been trying to remove these Islamic- or Muslim-adjectives from negative connotation from their reporting is ABC News. Their effort should be applauded and thanked. In their recent TV show, they tested how people behave when a Muslim sister was treated harshly by a bigot in a store. This is really an effort to counter the Islamophobes propaganda. But if you read the viewer comments on ABC website, you will find SO MANY people HATE ABC for the show. This shows us how bad and deep the propaganda has affect on a lot of people.

All of us TOGETHER should start participate actively in countering their propaganda and false conceptions about Islam. We could send email, letter, or comment on the website, to news media, correcting their biased report. Or talk to our friends at schools, offices or neighborhood, if they have these misconceptions. Insha Allah our effort will not be useless in improving the situation, and most certainly it won't be worthless in front of Allah SWT.

"O ye who believe! Be the helpers of God (in His cause), even as Jesus son of Mary said unto the disciples: Who are my helpers for God? They said: We are God's helpers." (Qur'an 61:14)


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