Friday, April 25, 2008

Non-Muslim scholar masuk Islam

Senang rasanya mendengar ada non-Muslim scholar apalagi yang mendalami ilmu2 Islam (mungkin sebelumnya berniat untuk tujuan missionaris atau lainnya) tetapi  kemudian mendapat hidayah dan masuk Islam.

Beberapa waktu yang lalu ketika sedang mencari argumentasi refutation terhadap tuduhan orientalists mengenai the origin of hadith, saya ketemu dengan video ini di youtube:

Ternyata Dr.Jonathan Brown ini juga seorang Muslim convert. Beliau saat ini terkenal sebagai salah satu hadith scholar yang kini tengah mengajar di University of Washington di Seattle. Dalam video tsb kita bisa lihat argument2 beliau merefute Goldziher, Schacht and others yang berusaha mengaburkan sejarah penulisan dan pengumpulan hadits Nabi (yang sering dituduh ditulis 200-300 tahun setelah Nabi).

Another side note:

Regarding hadith criticism, I also found books written by Dr.M.M.Azami really useful to be used as resources to refute the orientalists' (or missionaries' , or hadith rejectors') arguments, especially his book "Studies of Early Hadith Literature" which include his doctoral dissertation about the existence of hadith compilations written by companions of the Prophet, which include "as-Sahifa as-Sadiqa" (contains hadith collections by Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash - died 65 AH) and "as-Sahifa Hammam ibn Munabbih" (contains hadith collections by Abu Hurairah - died 60 AH). He also wrote a book refuting Schacht's accusation regarding hadith.

I hope this information will be useful for those who need it.

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