Friday, October 10, 2008

Artikel tentang Wanita dalam Islam

Good article:

However it does not answer many questions or doubts that many non-Muslims have regarding Islam, particularly about:

- the beating of wife by husband due to disobedience (not vice versa?)
- man can easily divorce his wife (not vice versa? )
- wife is cursed by angels if not fulfilling her husband's sexual need (not vice versa?)
- woman is the majority of hell population due to disobedience to their husband (not vice versa?)
- woman's portion of inheritance is only half of man's
- woman's credibility is only half of man's
- etc.

Right now, many non-Muslims who read Anti-Islam/Islamophobes writings about woman in Islam will know that all the above have basis in Islam (either in the Qur'an or Hadith, unlike "honor killing" or "female genital mutilation" which are also often mistakenly linked to Islam). All these need to be addressed one by one with satisfying answers (without beating around the bush), if we want to change the negative view that other people have about woman in Islam.

Saya sendiri tidak punya references khusus terhadap pertanyaan2 tsb, walaupun ada beberapa artikel2 di internet dari google yang membahas hal tsb, di antaranya:

Mudah2an link di atas dapat bermanfaat dan membantu in the mean time...


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