Mengamati banyaknya orang masuk Islam di Amerika ini, saya jadi teringat kasus yang sangat disayangkan: Steve A. Johnson (Faruq Abdullah) yang dulu convert ke Islam bahkan menjadi aktivis da'wah ISNA, dan sempat menulis beberapa buku da'wah pula, salah satunya "Da'wah to Americans: Theory and Practice", kemudian beliau balik lagi ke Christianity, bahkan sekarang mengajar Muslim studies di Columbia International University (school of missionaries). (
Jochen Katz dari answering-islam team, yang sering men-debunk berita masuknya non-Muslim scholars atau celibrities ke Islam, tidak luput menyebarkan berita ini pula dalam diskusi2 mereka.
O you who believe! If you ever abandon your faith, God will in time bring forth [in your place] people whom He loves and who love Him - humble towards the believers, proud towards all who deny the truth: [people] who strive hard in God's cause, and do not fear to be censured by anyone who might censure them: such is God's favour, which He grants unto whom He wills. And God is infinite, all-knowing.
Verily all this is an admonition: whoever, then, so wills, may unto his Sustainer find a way. But you cannot will it unless God wills, for, behold, God is indeed all-seeing, wise.
Jochen Katz dari answering-islam team, yang sering men-debunk berita masuknya non-Muslim scholars atau celibrities ke Islam, tidak luput menyebarkan berita ini pula dalam diskusi2 mereka.
O you who believe! If you ever abandon your faith, God will in time bring forth [in your place] people whom He loves and who love Him - humble towards the believers, proud towards all who deny the truth: [people] who strive hard in God's cause, and do not fear to be censured by anyone who might censure them: such is God's favour, which He grants unto whom He wills. And God is infinite, all-knowing.
Verily all this is an admonition: whoever, then, so wills, may unto his Sustainer find a way. But you cannot will it unless God wills, for, behold, God is indeed all-seeing, wise.
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