Sunday, March 01, 2015

Problem of Evil

Berikut pertanyaan2 dari non-Muslim, baik yang atheist maupun agnostic, yang kerap muncul:
  • Mengapa Tuhan yang katanya Maha Kuasa akan segalanya, diam saja membiarkan kejahatan atau kezhaliman berlangsung dan membiarkan hamba2Nya yang tak berdosa menderita?
  • Bukankah Dia Maha Kuasa untuk menghapus kezhaliman?
  • Bukankah Dia mampu mengirimkan malaikat2-Nya untuk membantu hamba2Nya?
  • Bukankah Dia mampu membolakbalik hati para pemimpin dunia untuk membantu yang lemah dan menghukum yang zhalim?
  • Bukankah Dia mampu merubah orang2 zhalim untuk tidak lagi mampu berlaku zhalim?
  • Mengapa semua doa yang telah dilakukan sungguh2 tidak terlihat juga hasilnya dalam membantu mereka yang menderita?
  • Apakah Tuhan kalian yang katanya Maha Kuasa tidak mampu (atau tidak mau) mencampuri urusan manusia di bumi seperti layaknya pembuat jam yang membiarkan jam tersebut berjalan tanpa campur tangannya lagi?
  • Apabila kita mengetahui orang yang akan membunuh banyak orang dan kita mampu menstopnya, apakah kita dibenarkan untuk diam saja?
  • Kalau Dia memang ada, mengapa Dia diam saja?

Sebagai manusia biasa pertanyaan2 ini kadang bisa saja terbesit dalam hati, atau mungkin saja ditanyakan oleh anak2 kita yang mulai berpikir kritis ketika melihat berita mengenai konflik2 maupun penderitaan yang dialami banyak manusia di berbagai belahan dunia.

Tulisan singkat ini dibuat dengan merangkum beberapa pandangan yang mencoba menjawab pertanyaan2 di atas, dengan harapan mudah2an bisa bermanfaat buat siapa saja yang membutuhkannya. Tolong dikoreksi dan ditambahkan bila ada yang salah dan kurang.

Konsep Keburukan/Evil

Sebenarnya semua pertanyaan di atas bersumber dari pertanyaan dasar "Mengapa ada kejahatan/kezhaliman/keburukan di muka bumi?" yang berhubungan dengan "problem of evil", topik theodicy, salah satu field dalam philosophy, yang banyak diperdebatkan dalam sejarah filsafat manusia.

Evil atau keburukan adalah persepsi manusia melabel sesuatu yang dialaminya/dirasakannya tidak menyenangkan (suffering) baik secara fisik maupun mental. Keburukan ini bisa disebabkan oleh perbuatan manusia ataupun selain perbuatan manusia.

Yang disebabkan oleh perbuatan manusia, contohnya: kejahatan (di mana manusia melakukannya dengan sengaja), dan kecelakaan (dilakukan tanpa sengaja atau akibat ketidaktahuannya). Yang disebabkan oleh selain perbuatan manusia, misalnya: bencana alam dan penyakit yang menimpa di luar pengetahuan ataupun kuasa manusia. Lalu apa kaitannya ini semua dengan Tuhan?


Kita meyakini bahwa Tuhan adalah Pencipta alam semesta yang Maha Tahu, Maha Kuasa, serta Maha Pengasih. Keyakinan ini oleh sebagian orang dianggap bertentangan dengan keburukan/evil yang dialami manusia di muka bumi:

Kalau Tuhan Maha Tahu, tentu Dia mengetahui akan kejahatan atau keburukan sebelum terjadi, dan Dia tentu mau menghilangkannya karena Dia Maha Pengasih. Dia juga mampu menghilangkannya karena Dia Maha Kuasa. Tapi kenyataannya kejahatan dan keburukan tetap terjadi di muka bumi.

"Kontradiksi" ini membuat sebagian orang menjadi atheist/mengingkari adanya Tuhan, sebagian lagi meyakini Tuhan tidak Maha Kuasa atau tidak mau bercampur tangan dalam urusan manusia, sebagian lagi bahkan meyakini adanya dua Tuhan: Tuhan Baik (God of Good) dan Tuhan Buruk (God of Evil) yang keduanya selalu bersaing.

Bagaimana kita memandang semua ini?

Dalam Islam, Allah SWT, Tuhan pencipta dan pemelihara alam semesta adalah Maha Kuasa, Maha Tahu dan Maha Pengasih/Maha Baik. Allah SWT bebas berbuat sesuai dengan ilmu-Nya, kekuasaan-Nya serta iradah/kehendak-Nya yang tidak bisa dijangkau oleh akal kita yang sangat terbatas. Lalu, mengapa ada evil/keburukan terjadi di muka bumi?

Ada beberapa penjelasan yang mengandung imptant point yang bisa diutarakan dalam hal ini:

1. Free will

Manusia sebagai khalifah di muka bumi diberikan kebebasan (free will) oleh Allah SWT. Dengan free will ini, manusia bebas berbuat baik atau berbuat jahat, taat atau membangkang. Kalau Allah menahan semua perbuatan manusia yang tidak dikehendakiNya, atau merubah manusia untuk tidak lagi bebas berbuat, manusia tidak bisa lagi dibilang memiliki free will, dan ia akan seperti malaikat, yang selalu taat pada perintah Tuhan dan tidak pernah membangkang, atau bagaikan robot yang diprogram untuk melakukan apa saja yang dikehendaki programmernya.

"By the soul, and the proportion and order given to it; and its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right; truly he succeeds that purifies it, and he fails that corrupts it!" (Qur'an 91:7-10)

"and shown him (men) the two highways (of good and evil)" (Qur'an 90:10)

"It is the truth from your Lord; wherefore let him who will, believe, and let him who will, disbelieve." (Qur'an 18: 29)

2. Bumi, tempat ujian

Dibekali dengan ruh, jasad, akal, free will, dan petunjuk dari-Nya, manusia diamanahi tugas untuk hidup sebagai khalifah di muka bumi. Alam semesta termasuk bumi di dalamnya diciptakan Allah SWT dengan aturan2 yang didesign berhubungan satu dengan yang lainnya, baik secara micro maupun macro. Misalnya tanah, api, air, dan angin yang bisa bermanfaat tapi bisa juga berbahaya bagi manusia, terkait dengan hukum sebab akibat. Hewan2 karnivora seperti singa akan menyerang siapapun yang mengganggunya atau yang dianggap makanannya. Gravitasi bermanfaat buat kehidupan di bumi, tapi dapat membawa keburukan bagi orang yang menjatuhkan diri dari gedung yang tinggi. Semua diciptakan Allah SWT berdasarkan ukuran dan aturan yang ditetapkan dalam designnya.

"Verily, all things have We created in proportion and measure." (Qur'an 54:49)

He said: "Our Lord is He Who gave to each (created) thing its form and nature, and further, gave (it) guidance. (Qur'an 20:50)

"it is He Who created all things, and ordered them in due proportions." (Qur'an 25:2)

"and who determines the nature (of all that exists), and thereupon guides it (towards its fulfilment)." (Qur'an 87:3)

Dalam interaksinya dengan alam yang berjalan dengan aturan2 yang telah digariskan, juga interaksinya antar sesamanya, manusia akan mengalami situasi/kondisi suka dan duka, sad and joy, good and evil di mana ia akan merasakan sesuatu yang tidak enak (discomfort, pain, suffering) baik secara mental maupun fisikal. Semua ini dinilai Allah SWT sebagai ujian hidup manusia di muka bumi, bagaimana mereka bertindak dalam situasi/kondisi tersebut dengan semua faculty dan free will yang dimiliki. With this comes responsibility yang akan diminta pertanggunganjawabnya ketika kita kembali menghadap-Nya.

We said: Go down, all of you, from hence; but verily there comes unto you from Me a guidance; and whoso followeth My guidance, there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. (Qur'an 2:38)

"And pursue not that of which you hast no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of (feeling in) the heart will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning)." (Qur'an 17:36)

"...We test you by evil and by good by way of trial. To Us will you return." (Qur'an 21:35)

"Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe", and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false." (Qur'an 29:2-3)

And surely We shall try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and crops; but give glad tidings to the steadfast, who say, when a misfortune striketh them: Lo! we are Allah's and Lo! unto Him we are returning. Such are they on whom are blessings from their Lord, and mercy. Such are the rightly guided. (Qur'an 2:155-157)

And so, he who shall have done an atom's weight of good, shall behold it. And he who shall have done an atom's weight of evil, shall behold it. (Qur'an 99:7-8)

Segala perbuatan kejahatan yang mengakibatkan keburukan/evil sebagai akibat manusia menyalahgunakan free will mereka, dilarang dengan tegas oleh Allah SWT:

"He commands them what is right and forbids them what is wrong, he makes lawful the things that are wholesome and makes unlawful the things that are bad and lifts from them their burdens and the yokes that were upon them."(Qur'an 7:157)

"Allah does command you justness, goodness and liberality to the near ones and He does forbid you shameful deeds, impropriety and rebelliousness." (Qur'an 16:91)

But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on you, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget your portion in this world: but do thou good, as Allah has been good to you, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief. (Qur'an 28:77)

And do not deprive people of what is rightfully theirs; and do not act wickedly on earth by spreading corruption. (Qur'an 26:183)

3. Mengamati "keburukan" di alam

Pengetahuan yang kita miliki berasal dari hasil observasi dan akal pikiran. Data dari observasi yang kita dapat melalui penggunaan panca indera diolah oleh akal kita sehingga menghasilkan pengetahuan. Tapi tidak jarang untuk mengenal suatu definisi itu, akal kita didesign untuk memproses definisi dari lawannya/its opposite.

And all things We have created by pairs, that haply ye may reflect. (Qur'an 51:49)

Glory to Him Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no knowledge. (Qur'an 36:36)

Misalnya bagaimana kita tahu manis kalau tidak ada pahit? Dari mana kita tahu sehat kalau tidak ada sakit? Begitu pula dari mana kita tahu kebaikan kalau tidak ada keburukan?

Kadang kita sebagai manusia menilai sesuatu yang terjadi di alam itu sebagai suatu yang buruk secara subyektif berdasarkan impactnya terhadap kehidupan kita. Misalnya, gunung meletus yang menghancurkan suatu desa. Dari sudut pandang orang2 di desa jelas meletusnya gunung ini adalah suatu yang buruk karena membawa negative impact buat kehidupan mereka (musnahnya perumahan, sawah ladang, dll). Tapi dari kalau dilihat secara keseluruhan, bumi memang perlu mengeluarkan lahar melalui meletusnya gunung tsb dari dalam untuk menjaga kestabilannya.

Contoh lainnya, misalnya seekor singa yang mengejar dan memakan kerbau di padang sahara. Bagi observer mungkin kejam sekali kerbau itu diterkam dan dimakan singa. Tapi dari sudut pandang lain, ternyata hidup singa dan juga anak2nya sangat tergantung kepada kerbau itu sebagai makanan mereka. Kalau kita melihat dari sudut pandang ini, tampaknya semua evil/keburukan yang terjadi di alam ini ternyata tampak bersifat relatif saja, tergantung dari mana sudut memandangnya.

4. Hikmah di balik setiap "keburukan"

Allah SWT sebagai Sang Pencipta dan Penguasa alam semesta bebas untuk mencegah atau membiarkan suatu keburukan terjadi yang menimpa manusia dengan kehendak-Nya dan ilmu-Nya yang meliputi segala sesuatu. Setiap keputusan Allah itu (dicegah atau dibiarkan suatu event terjadi) selalu mengandung hikmah di baliknya, meskipun kita tidak selalu bisa mengetahuinya secara langsung ataupun pasti karena keterbatasan akal kita.

"Thy Lord brings to pass what He wills and chooses. They have never any choice. Glorified be Allah and exalted above all that they associate (with Him)!" (Qur'an 28:68)

"He will not be questioned as to that which He does, but they will be questioned." (Qur'an 21:23)

Tidak jarang suatu kejadian dianggap buruk, tapi kemudian dianggap baik. Atau sebaliknya. Misalnya, para penumpang bis yang harus menunggu karena ban kempes di jalan mungkin pada awalnya menggerutu akan situasi tsb, tetapi setelah mereka mengetahui bahwa beberapa km di depan baru saja telah terjadi kecelakaan beruntun yang banyak memakan korban, mereka bersyukur karena selamat akibat kempesnya ban tadi karena kalau tidak mereka akan turut mengalami kecelakaan tsb.

Sering kita tidak bisa melihat hikmah kebaikan di balik suatu kejadian, tapi ini tidak berarti tidak ada kebaikan sama sekali di sana. Allah mengizinkan sesuatu terjadi dengan izin-Nya karena Dia lebih mengetahui adanya "the greater good" di dalamnya.

But it may well be that you hate a thing the while it is good for you, and it may well be that you love a thing the while it is bad for you: and God knows, whereas you do not know. (Qur'an 2:216)

If you take a dislike to them, it may be that you dislike something and Allah will bring about through it a great deal of good. (4:19)

Tentu saja ini tidak berarti bahwa kita mendiamkan atau tidak mengacuhkan setiap evil/keburukan yang disebabkan oleh kejahatan manusia yang dilakukan dengan sengaja dan niat yang buruk, dengan dalih bahwa pasti ada hikmahnya di baliknya. Tetapi Allah serta Rasul-Nya memerintahkan kita untuk merubahnya.

"Do those who seek after evil ways think that We shall hold them equal with those who believe and do righteous deeds,- that equal will be their life and their death? Ill is the judgment that they make." ( Qur'an 45:21)

"You are the best community ever brought forth for mankind (in that) you command the proper and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah." (Qur'an 3:110)

"Let there among you be a group that summon to all that is beneficial commands what is proper and forbids what is improper; they are the ones who will prosper." (3:104)

The good deed and the evil deed are not alike. Repel the evil deed with one which is better, then certainly he, between whom and you there was enmity (will become) as though he was a bosom friend. But none is granted it except those who are steadfast, and none is granted it except the owner of great fortune. (Qur'an 41:34)

"Whoever sees something evil should change it with his hand. If he cannot, then with his tongue; and if he cannot do even that, then in his heart. That is the weakest degree of faith." (HR.Muslim)

If the people see an evil and they do not change it, soon Allah will inflict them all with His punishment. (HR.Ahmad)

5. Dunia abadi bukan di sini

Dunia yang kita jalani tidak hanya selesai di bumi ini. Hidup kita di dunia ini hanya temporary yang akan berlanjut ke akherat yang abadi dan hakiki. Orang2 yang meninggal karena peperangan, penyakit, kecelakaan, bencana alam di dunia, tidaklah menderita dan terbaur menjadi tanah, atau hilang begitu saja, tapi berlanjut hidup di akherat dunia setelah mati, di mana setiap manusia akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban dan diberikan ganjaran atas penggunaan free will mereka.

"We did not give any human being before you immortality. And if you die, will they then be immortal? Every self will taste death. We test you with both good and evil as a trial. And you will be returned to Us," (Qur'an 21:34-35)

"He Who created death and life to test which of you is best in action. He is the Almighty, the Ever-Forgiving," (Surat al-Mulk: 2)

"Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children, as the likeness of vegetation after rain, thereof the growth is pleasing to the tiller; afterwards it dries up and you see it turning yellow; then it becomes straw. But in the Hereafter (there is) a severe torment, and (there is) Forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure, whereas the life of this world is only a deceiving enjoyment." (Qur'an 57:20)

Anak2 yang tidak berdosa dan orang2 shaleh yang meninggal karena dizhalimi atau tertimpa musibah di dunia ini akan mendapatkan kebahagiaan yang lebih baik dari kebahagiaan mereka dapatkan di dunia.

"And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah. "They are dead." Nay, they are living, though ye perceive (it) not." (Qur'an 2:154)

Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord; They rejoice in the bounty provided by Allah. And with regard to those left behind, who have not yet joined them (in their bliss), the (martyrs) glory in the fact that on them is no fear, nor have they (cause to) grieve. (Qur'an 3:169-170)

Rasulullah SAW entered upon 'Ubadah ibn al-Samit when he was sick and said, "Do you know who is a shahid (martyr) in my ummah?" The people remained silent, then 'Ubadah said, "Help me to sit up." They helped him to sit up, then he said, "O Messenger of Allah, (is it) the patient one who seeks reward from Allah for his patience?" The Prophet SAW said, "(If that is the case) then the martyrs among my ummah would be very few. Being killed for the sake of Allah is martyrdom, the plague is martyrdom, drowning is martyrdom, stomach disease is martyrdom, and if a woman dies during the post-partum period, her child will drag her to Paradise by his umbilical cord." (HR. Muslim, Ahmad, Malik, Abu Dawud)


Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sekilas mengenai Islamophobes/Anti-Islam

Tulisan2 mereka Islamophobes biasanya penuh dengan half-truth, strawman, generalization, and double standard. Sebagian dari mereka biasanya mengquote selectively insiden2 politik di timur tengah yang dengan enaknya dicap dengan label Islam. Perbuatan kriminal yang jelas2 bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam dan dicondemned oleh mayoritas umat Islam yang jumlahnya 1 milyar jiwa di bumi ini diberikan prefix adjective "Islamic". Saya nggak tahu apa maksud dibalik motivasi penggunaan prefix ini (sengaja maupun tidak). Do they know that this will offend the feeling of all Muslims? Anyone from any faith will be offended when his/her faith is used as an adjective of any word with negative connotation. Kalau mereka ingin Muslims turut aktif bersama2 meresolve problem, seharusnya mereka tidak menggunakan kata2 yang demeaning or insulting their faith. Berikut ini sebagian comment yang saya pernah diskusikan dengan non-Muslims on similar subject.

People who are extreme in their views, either Muslims or non-Muslims, are trying their best to incite everyone to start the clash of civilizations. Those who write and make slanders against Muslims and their faith, promoting hate crime by calling for their discrimination, violating their rights, or worst calling for their annihilation (you'll be surprised if you search for these in youtube or many blogs out there) are not much different from people who are extreme in their interpretation of Islam and label those who do not agree with them as infidels or hypocrites, allowing the killing of innocents, abrogating clear rules laid down by God and His Prophet. Both are causing suffering to innocent people.

These extremists often claim that "peaceful Muslims are not really following the teaching of Islam". They say that the Qur'anic verses of peace and tolerance (e.g. 109:6, 2:256, 60:8) have been abrogated by the verses of war. They should know that any claim of abrogation is not acceptable unless it is backed by authentic saying of the Prophet. Opinion of anyone (be he is a scholar, mullah, etc) beside the Prophet cannot be accepted to prove an abrogation. Hence the injunctions for peace and tolerance are still valid, in effect, and not abrogated as they claim. They also often claim that the verses of peace and tolerance were revealed in the period when the Prophet was weak and didn't have strength to fight. Again, this is false accusation. Verses 2:256, 60:8, were revealed in Madinah when Muslims had the upper hand against the pagan Arabs who fought them. Historical records testify that Muslims lived side by side peacefully with their neighbors from different faiths in the time of the Prophet and throughout history. Islam clearly teach that there is no coercion in embracing faith.

They will say "what's wrong with criticizing Islam?". There are various motivations why people criticize Islam. For some, the fear of Islam. For some, missionary work. For others, power or wealth. We should look into our heart why we are afraid of Islam. If the reason is to find solution to problems in many Muslims worlds, people with good intellect, if they see any problem, they look into the root cause and try to fix it. Not making the problem worst by ignoring it, or making more root causes. If false interpretation of Islamic teaching is one of the root causes of the problems, we should fix it, not promoting it. We can do this by simply show the reason why some claims are false based on reliable basis and sound arguments. But this needs to be done in a civilized way, not by mocking or insulting, directly or implicitly. Even a valid argument can't convince anyone if presented in a disrespectful manner. Peace.

Mudah2an ada manfaatnya...


Du'a Abu Darda' (dari Fiqh Sunnah)

"Doa itu senjatanya orang yang beriman, tiangnya agama dan cahaya langit dan bumi", kata Rasulullah SAW. Selepas ikhtiar dan doa, kita bertawakal, menyerahkan segala2nya pada Allah SWT yang semua keputusan ada di tangan-Nya... Berikut ini ada kisah yang bisa dijumpai dalam kitab Fiqh Sunnahnya Sayyid Sabiq dalam bab Doa. Mungkin bisa diinformasikan kepada keluarga, kerabat, dan teman2 kita semua, mudah2an ada manfaatnya.

Suatu hari salah seorang dari tetangga Abu Darda' RA (salah seorang sahabat Rasulullah SAW) berlari melaporkan berita pada Abu Darda' yang tengah berada di pasar bahwa terjadi kebakaran di lingkungan tempat mereka tinggal dan rumah Abu Darda' ikut pula terbakar. Abu Darda' menjawab dengan tenang "Tidak, rumahku tidak terbakar." Tak lama datang pula seorang tetangga beliau yang lain mengabarkan kabar yang sama. Abu Darda' menjawab dengan jawaban yang sama. Begitu pula ketika datang tetangga yang lain menyampaikan hal serupa. Kemudian Abu Darda' pergi bersama mereka untuk melihat kebakaran tersebut. Di tempat kebakaran, mereka menjumpai rumah2 di lingkungan mereka tinggal semuanya terbakar kecuali rumahnya Abu Darda'.

Abu Darda' berkata: "Aku yakin Allah SWT tidak akan membiarkan rumahku terbakar, karena aku mendengar dari Rasulullah SAW bahwa setiap orang yang membaca suatu doa pada pagi hari akan terhindar dari marabahaya sepanjang hari, dan yang membacanya pada malam hari akan terhindar dari marabahaya sepanjang malam. Dan aku membaca doa tersebut pagi ini."

Abu Darda' menjelaskan doa yang diajarkan Rasulullah SAW tersebut:

"Allahumma anta rabbi, la ilaha illa anta,
`alaika tawakkaltu wa anta abbul `arsyil karim.
Masya Allahu kana wa malam yasya' lam yakun
wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil-`aliyyil `azhim.
A'lamu annallaha `alaa kulli syai'in qadir
wa annallaha qad ahatha bikulli syai'in `ilma.
Allahumma inni a'dzu bika min syarri nafsi
wa min syarri kulli dabbatin, anta akhidzum bi nasiyatiha.
Inna rabbi `ala shiratim-mustaqim."

("Oh Allah, Engkau Tuhanku, tidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau
Hanya kepada Engkau aku bertawakal dan Engkaulah Tuhan 'Arsy yang agung.
Apa yang Engkau kehendaki akan terjadi, dan apa yang Engkau tidak kehendaki tidak akan terjadi.
Tidak ada daya dan upaya kecuali dari Allah Yang Maha Tinggi dan Maha Agung.
Aku mengakui bahwa sesungguhnya Allah berkuasa atas segala sesuatu
dan sesungguhnya Allah ilmu-Nya meliputi segala sesuatu.
Oh Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari keburukan diriku
dan dari keburukan segala makhluk yang semuanya berada dalam kekuasaan-Mu.
Sesungguhnya Tuhanku di atas jalan yang lurus.")

Amin ya Rabbal 'alamin...

Kebenaran, Observasi, Akal, Data, Filsafat

Terlepas dari ruang lingkup ilmu eksakta ataupun ilmu sosial, dalam usahanya mencari kebenaran, manusia menggunakan perangkat panca indera dan akalnya. Panca indera digunakan untuk melakukan observasi, sedang akal digunakan untuk mengelola data2 yang didapat dari observasi.

Karena observasi ini tergantung kepada kemampuan panca indera manusia yang terbatas, manusia membuat teknologi untuk membantu proses observasi ini. Data2 yang didapat dari hasil observasi dianalisa oleh akal. Hasil analisa ini bisa menghasilkan suatu teori.

Suatu teori bisa saja dibuktikan kesalahannya oleh teori lainnya karena beberapa faktor, seperti kesalahan dalam pengumpulan data, teknologi yang dipakai tidak secanggih teknologi yang digunakan teori lainnya (data2nya tidak seakurat data2 yang dipakai teori yang lain), atau kesalahan dalam analisa/proses berpikir yang digunakan (fallacies in logical reasoning).

Dalam hal2 yang tidak bisa dijangkau observasi, meskipun dibantu oleh teknologi, dunia filsafat pun dimasuki. Filsafat lebih bersifat kepada terka2/spekulatif. Tidak bisa dibuktikan kesalahan atau kebenarannya, karena tidak adanya data hasil observasi.

Dalam ruang lingkup agama (Islam maupun agama2 lainnya), hal2 yang tidak bisa dicapai oleh observasi manusia (hal2 yang sudah masuk ke dalam masalah ghaib) bisa dijumpai informasinya dalam wahyu Ilahi.

Pertanyaan "apakah agama (Islam maupun agama2 lainnya) masih murni berasal dari Tuhan atau sudah mengandung campur tangan manusia di dalamnya" tentunya bisa dijawab dengan menganalisa data2 mengenai the authenticity of the scripture, evidences of its tampering, etc. Interpretasi /tafsiran terhadap suatu isi kitab suci bisa dilihat dari argument yang dipakai. Logical fallacies seperti inconsistency, partial, out-of-context, etc. bisa meruntuhkan argument yang dipakai oleh suatu penafsiran.

PS: Adalah suatu logical fallacy kalau untuk membuktikan authenticity suatu kitab suci, kita mengquote ayat dalam kitab suci itu sendiri. (Misalnya untuk membuktikan autentisitas Qur'an, kita quote ayat 15:9. Atau orang Kristen yang mengquote ayat Bible untuk membuktikan keautentikannya). Tentunya evidence of its authenticity harus didapat dari luar kitab suci itu sendiri (data about discrepancy found in old and current manuscripts, proofs of preservation, e.g. constant individual/collective memorization tradition from generation to generation, etc).


Muslim and Interfaith

Islam mengajarkan kita untuk menghormati people from other religious faith. Al AQur'an jelas2 menyebutkan hal ini ( e.g. 2:256, 109:1-6, 10:99, 60:8). Rasulullah SAW sendiri menghormati delegasi2 non-Muslims dari Najran, Habsyah, Roman, dan lainnya. Begitu pula para sahabat sepeninggal beliau. Pernah Ali bin Abi Talib RA, pada saat ia menjadi pemimpin negara, beliau dinyatakan kalah dalam pengadilan, of his own court, ketika berselisih dengan seorang non-Muslim dalam hal kepemilikan sebuah perisai. Karena sikap beliau yang tawadhu' menerima keputusan hakim, selepas pengadilan, orang non-Muslim tadi tersentuh, kemudian menghampiri beliau dan  mengucapkan syahadat, serta mengembalikan perisai yang sebenarnya ia temukan selepas perang Siffin.

Sejarah Muslim di masa lalu juga jelas menunjukkan sikap hormat orang2 Islam terhadap orang2 yang berbeda agama. Orang2 Yahudi berbondong2 lari dari Inquisisi Spanyol diberikan proteksi oleh pemerintahan Islam saat itu. Di Andalusia banyak orang2 non-Muslim bersama2 orang2 Islam bekerja sama dalam dunia akademia, research dan penemuan2 science dan technology untuk kemaslahatan umat manusia.

Mengenai interfaith, berdasarkan apa yang saya amati di Amerika ini, juga membaca pengalaman2nya Muslims lainnya di sini, biasanya topik2 yang dibahas adalah bagaimana menjalin hubungan baik antara penganut agama yang berbeda dan bekerja sama untuk kemaslahatan komunitas bersama. Masing2 mengakui perbedaan2 yang ada, tapi bekerja sama terhadap hal2 yang disepakati bersama. Pernah dalam interfaith beberapa bulan yang lalu di sini, setiap pemimpin agama (Islam, Judaism, Protestant, Catholics, Mormon, Budhism, Hinduism, juga Scientology) diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan2 berhubungan dengan masalah2 seperti peperangan dan konflik, kemiskinan dan bencana alam, global warming, etc. juga masalah2 filsafat yang akhir2 ini dimunculkan kembali lewat buku2nya Dawkins, e.g. the existence of God and Evil, Creation and theory of design, etc. Kita juga biasanya involved dalam kegiatan2 sosial seperti kebersihan lingkungan, food and shelter for homeless, etc.

Mengenai fenomena adanya orang2 Islam saat ini yang cenderung bersikap memusuhi orang2 non-Muslims (juga terhadap orang2 Islam yang berbeda pandangan dengan mereka) - karena sentimen kegamaan, ekonomi, atau politically motivated, ini menunjukkan pentingnya usaha2 menyampaikan pesan da'wah kepada mereka mengenai ajaran Islam yang sebenarnya yang mengajarkan sikap rahmatan lil 'alamin, bukan ajaran yang membawa malapetaka di muka bumi. Di samping itu diperlukan pula usaha2 meresolve root causes yang cenderung membuat orang bersikap demikian ( e.g. usaha2 pemurtadan umat Islam, ketimpangan ekonomi, ketidakadilan, dlsb).

Kita harus akui bahwa image Islam saat ini menjadi buruk akibat perbuatan2 orang2 Islam sendiri. Di masa lalu banyak orang2 non-Muslim membela Islam bahkan berbondong2 masuk Islam karena sikap orang2 Islam yang simpati, menjunjung tinggi kejujuran dan keadilan, serta menghargai harkat martabat umat manusia. Tapi kini tidak sedikit orang yang keluar Islam karena merasa malu akan agamanya sendiri. Di masa lalu ketika orang2 Islam ingin keluar dari Syams karena ancaman pasukan Romawi yang datang menyerang, orang2 non-Muslims di sana tidak mau ditinggalkan karena mereka lebih prefer diatur oleh orang2 Islam, dibanding orang2 Romawi meskipun agama mereka sama.

Saya berharap suatu saat nanti image umat Islam ini menjadi bagus kembali. Mudah2an suatu saat nanti, orang akan merasa aman dan senang kalau ada orang Islam di sekitar mereka. Neighborhood menjadi aman, bersih serta maju karena ada orang2 Islam di dalamnya. Companies tertarik menghire orang2 Islam karena etos kerja dan kejujuran mereka. Orang2 Islam yang dikenal ramah tamah, pembela yang lemah, cinta kebenaran dan keadilan, yang menghargai harkat dan martabat manusia. Amin.

Wallahu'alam bi shawab.

Morality and Religions

Generally all religions believe in the same standard of morality (e.g. help each other, kindness, "do unto others as you want they do unto you", uphold justice, etc). They basically teach their followers to do good and forbid evil.  But many religions also often differ on some views of morality. For example, some ancient religion might believe in human sacrifice to their gods which is condemned by other religions. Some religion consider drinking alcohol is immoral but others might not. Some consider to show nakedness is immoral, others not. And many other examples.
So how does Islam perceive these differences?

Every soul originally has a built-in basic moral sense of right and wrong that has been given by God (91:7-10). But this feeling/sense might get corrupted by bad deeds (83:14).

God, with His mercy and love, sent down revelations since the time of the first human being (Adam) as guidance for mankind to live on earth (2:38, 2:213) to inform them where they are from, why they are here on earth, how to live their lives, and where they are going.

God sent prophets to all people, not just in to one part of the world (10:47,2:213, 40:78). Although their way of life (cultures and detailed rituals) might be different from one another, the message is the same: worship only God Almighty (21:25, 16:36, 22:67).

However some people corrupted the message from God and caused many to go astray from the original message (3:78, 2:78-79, 2:59, 5:13). God with His infinite wisdom sent down the Qur'an as the final reminder -hence its preservation till the end of days- for all people to restore the original God's message (5:48, 25:1, 3:3), holding the same message as previous message brought by all prophets of God (2:136, 22:78).

This is an Islamic perspective. Hope this helps. And God knows best.

[a response to a question below about morality and religions - nov 2007]
[ Salam alaikum,

Sorry to disturb you again, but I require your assisstance regarding a very important subject that has been lingering in my mind lately... it started when my mother said that "religion just tells people to do what is right and shun away what is wrong, I don't get into details of any religion since they all convey the same message anyway". After thinking about it I started wondering: "why any relgion in particular? Don't they all convey the same message of basically doing good? Why should I go to hell just because I don't carry a certain emblem and don't identify myself as a specific member of a faith?"

Please aid me in answering these questions and how can you achieve REAL belief and TRUE Iman and EXTREME fear of God... beforehand I just used to pray and follow Islam specifically (it wasn't blind faith, I knew why I was doing it and I was convinced, but I didn't FEEL IT IN MY HEART). I will be forever thankful if you can help me out!

Thank you for your time
Regards ]

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Konflik Sunni-Syiah

Meskipun topik syi'ah adalah topik sensitif akhir2 ini, saya selalu suka membaca tulisan2 "akademik" mengenai dasar2 konsep dan pemikirannya, baik dari yang pro, kontra, maupun in-the-middle, yang dapat membuka wawasan kita.

Saya jadi ingin sharing some thoughts dalam hal ini dengan harapan mudah2an bisa bermanfaat bagi yang tertarik dengan thread ini...

1. Aqidah/iman and ethics

Kewajiban setiap Muslim untuk menjaga keimanan/aqidah mulai dari dirinya, keluarga, dan karib kerabatnya. Setiap paham yang menyimpang dari kebenaran tentu harus disampaikan penyimpangannya. Jangan dibiarkan bahkan ditutupi. Di sini perannya da'wah bil hikmah wal mauizhatil hasanah. Bukan da'wah yang mudah menimbulkan kebencian dan permusuhan yang berakhir dengan peperangan. Tentu dalam da'wah dibutuhkan ilmu, yang jelas, benar, dan kuat pondasinya. Tidak hanya ilmu, tapi juga hikmah. Dengan hikmah kita lebih berhati2 dalam menggunakan kata2 dan bersikap terhadap pandangan yang berbeda. Orang berda'wah tanpa ilmu dan hikmah biasanya mudah terpancing emosinya dan akhirnya tidak bersikap objective lagi dan cenderung menciptakan bibit2 konflik.

Dalam membahas paham yang berbeda, kita berusaha melakukannya secara objective, tanpa menyertakan kata2 yang bisa menyinggung personal sentiments. Mungkin serupa dalam perdebatan ilmiah dalam journal2 akademik. e.g. What is the claim? What is the proof/evidence? What is the warrants/reasoning that link the proof/evidence with the claim?

Dulu saya sering berdiskusi di newsgroups (di awal2 '90an) bukan hanya dengan mereka yang tidak berhubungan dengan Islam (atheists, agnostics, Christians, etc), tapi juga dengan Syi'ah, Ahmadiyah, Inkar Sunnah, dll. Kita berdiskusi di sana dengan etika berdiskusi yang dijaga bersama sehingga terbuka semua dasar2, pokok2 dari alasan2 setiap paham yang berbeda. Ini membuat kita paham mengapa "mereka" berpandangan demikian. Meskipun pada akhirnya we have to agree to disagree, but we gain knowledge and perspectives about other people's reasons, and importantly still respect one another.

2. Konsekwensi dari konflik dan peperangan

Tanpa adanya etika yang diakui dan dijaga oleh setiap pihak yang memiliki pandangan yang berbeda, tidak jarang konflik dan permusuhan muncul.

Kita lihat sendiri dalam konflik sunni dan syi'ah akhir2 ini, telah banyak korban berjatuhan dalam peperangan di beberapa negara. Umat Islam dilihat orang seperti umat yang tidak lagi menghargai nyawa manusia. Sudah ratusan ribu orang termasuk anak2 kecil dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini menjadi korban. Berita saling bunuh, bom, penggal sudah seperti berita biasa. Beberapa bulan lalu ramai berita penggunaan senjata kimia yang menewaskan ribuan orang termasuk banyak anak2. Kemarin terbaca berita ada yang salah memenggal kelompoknya sendiri. La haula wala quwwa illa billah... Mual rasanya membaca berita2 seperti ini...

IMHO, seharusnya semua ini bisa dihindari kalau setiap pihak bisa menjaga etika bersama dalam memahami pandangan dan paham yang berbeda. Khutbah Jum'at ustadz Joban "At-Ta'ayush Silmi" insya Allah bisa membuka wawasan kita dalam hal ini:  Friday Khutbah: How to Make Peace

Mohon dikoreksi kalau ada yang salah...


Friday, October 22, 2010

Republican, Tea Party, lebih Islami?

Sepertinya tidak sedikit Muslim yang merasakan dilematis permasalahan dalam keberpihakan kepada Republican (yang mengakui nilai-nilai yang sama dalam Islam dalam issue2 seperti aborsi, homosexual, etc) atau Demokrat (yang bersikap ramah terhadap Muslims).

Tapi terus terang, waktu pemilihan presiden kemarin, saya sempat tegang juga membayangkan kalau Obama kalah... saya rasa meskipun democrats dianggap terlalu liberal dalam banyak hal, sepertinya (mungkin ini bisa dianggap generalisasi) mereka lebih "friendly" terhadap muslims dibanding kebanyakan republicans... Analoginya mungkin (ini juga analogi nggak harus persis 100% :)) kalau kita harus memilih teman atau tetangga, yang satu taat beragama tapi membenci kita dan membuat hati kita tidak tenang, dan yang satu lagi tidak taat beragama tapi membuat kita merasa aman dan tentram, mana yang cenderung kita pilih? :)

Saya sependapat bahwa lebih baik kita kenal dengan mereka sehingga bisa lebih mengetahui apa sikap mereka terhadap Islam dan Muslim. Saya yakin tidak semua anggota Tea Party itu anti Islam dan Muslim. Saya kenal beberapa teman baik yang tidak bersikap memusuhi Islam/Muslim (wallahu'alam kalau berbeda sikap mereka di belakang saya). IMHO, dengan kenal baiknya kita dengan mereka, and vice versa, bisa menghilangkan sikap saling curiga dan permusuhan insya Allah.

Kalau kita analisa sebenarnya kekhawatiran banyak orang Islam terhadap Tea Party ini beralasan. Kalau dilihat dalam demo2 mereka, juga comments by their leadership, kok terasa benar mengandung racism & bigotry, termasuk anti Islam di dalamnya. Seperti yang ditulis dalam poster2 yang mereka bawa dalam demo2, atau dalam komentar leader mereka "Islam is a 7th century death cult coughed up by a psychotic pedophile", "Muslims worship a monkey god", atau demo2 anti Masjid (bahkan di salah satunya para protester diminta membawa dogs to harass Muslims), juga diundangnya Islamophobe speaker seperti Pamela Geller, dan baru2 ini menjalinnya hubungan dengan kelompok anti Islam di UK, membuat banyak orang Islam cemas karena dianggap sebagai ancaman (meskipun sebagian orang  bilang yang mereka anggap ancaman itu Islam radikal, tapi dari komentar2 mereka agama Islam itulah yang dianggap ideologi berbahaya). IMHO kalau Tea Party ingin dianggap bukan sesuatu yang menjadi ancaman bagi umat Islam, seharusnya mereka menjauhkan diri dari element2 racists dan bigots ini, yang bisa memburukkan image mereka.

Mohon maaf dan tolong dikoreksi kalau ada yg salah....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pemecatan Juan Williams karena komentarnya terhadap Muslim?

Hari ini media lagi ramai membicarakan pemecatan Juan Williams oleh NPR karena komentarnya akan nervousnya dia melihat penumpang pesawat yang memakai pakaian Muslim:

Sepertinya ada pembentukan opini di media bahwa apa yang dikatakan Williams sah2 saja dan merepresentasikan mayoritas opini rakyat Amerika sehingga hal tsb normal. Namun NPR berpendapat bahwa komentar Williams bertentangan denga editorial standards and practices mereka:

Saya lihat kalau misalnya komentar Williams ini dihubungkan dengan Blacks atau Jews, tentunya media (terutama FoxNews) tidak akan seramai ini. Contohnya kasus dipecatnya UPI's Helen Thomas and CNN's Rick Sanchez karena komentar mereka mengenai Jews.

Sebagai Muslim, kita tentunya tidak senang kalau ada orang yang berpendapat bahwa Muslim itu harus dicurigai dan ditakuti. Tapi rasa tidak senang saja tidak akan mengubah situasi menjadi lebih baik kalau tidak ada usaha mengubahnya. But again, sepertinya berat dan sulit sekali ya mengubah persepsi negatif orang saat ini terhadap Muslim dan Islam... tapi mudah2an kita sabar menjalaninya...

Islamophobe on Offensive War in Islam

Salah satu pentolan Islamophobe, Robert Spencer kini mencari2 alasan lagi untuk menyerang pendapat ulama yang menolak offensive war dalam Islam di bawah ini.  Kini ia menggunakan "strawman" (juga "ad hominem") terhadap Yusuf Qardhawi yang menulis secara komprehensif dalam bukunya tsb.

Tulisnya di Jihad Watch, meskipun Qardhawi menentang offensive war, beliau dibilang tetap MEWAJIBKAN umat Islam untuk menaklukan (conquer) pemerintahan non-Muslim dengan memaksakan (imposing) syari'ah pada penduduknya, walaupun tidak dengan cara kekerasan, tapi dengan cara memasukkan diam2 dan perlahan2 prinsip syari'ah melalui jalur hukum dan budaya. Hal ini sangat berbahaya menurut Spencer yang mengklaim telah membahas hal ini dalam bukunya "Stealth Jihad".

Sebenarnya tuduhan Spencer ini (juga Islamophobes lainnya) sudah disindir oleh John Stewart di Comedy Central:  :)
(starts from 05:38 min segment of the video)

Mudah2an bermanfaat...


Transkrip dari lecturenya Rached Ghannouchi:
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Beneficent

The importance of this conference is due to its focus on the most critical concept in contemporary Islamic thought- that of Jihad, which occupies an important position in the edifice of Islam. Jihad is “the summit of Islam and its pinnacle” according to the hadith, and is the subject of widely divergent views and stances from within and outside Islam, views which have serious consequences for international relations, in view of Islam’s growing role internationally.

Those views, moreover, have an effect on relations between Muslims themselves, with their governments, and with non-Muslims, in view of the awakening witnessed across the Muslim world, both at the level of faith and the level of practice. This has led to a greater connection between Islam as a religion (creed, rituals, morals) and an ideology of great influence on the thought and behaviour of Muslims, socially and politically, or what is known as “political Islam”, in which jihad occupies a central position in one way or another.

This paper owes its importance to the position of the figure whose views on this crucial concept it attempts to present – that is Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who occupies an important position in contemporary Islam, as testified by his role at various levels: at the intellectual level, his writings have exceeded 150 works, covering all aspects of Islamic thought. In addition to his membership of the major intellectual and juristic councils, he was elected President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, as well as being the chairman of the European Council for Fatwa and Research and a number of charity organisations, and a member of various Islamic Studies academic committees, including the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. As for “political Islam”, he grew up inside one of its groups, the “Muslim Brotherhood”, occupying leading positions within it. He is also a rising star in the world of modern media, through his patronage of the most important Muslim website Islam-online, and through his famous weekly program on Aljazeera channel “Shar`iah and Life” which is followed weekly by over 60 million viewers.

Al-Qaradawi has developed a principal theory in contemporary Islam, from which all his views and stances emanate, and to which he tirelessly calls, widening its appeal and marginalizing its opponents – that is the principle of Islamic Wasatiyya or moderation. This was inspired by the verse in the second chapter of the Quran, “And thus we made you into a middle (wasat) nation.” Thus, he presents Islam as the middle position between opposing and conflicting rigid positions; as the middle ground that brings all together, – a middle position between materialism and spiritualism, between individualism and collectivism, between idealism and realism, etc. Starting from this wasati viewpoint, he presents all his ijtihads in all aspects of Islamic thought, including his ijtihad on the question of jihad, as revealed in his latest book “The Fiqh of Jihad: a comparative study of its rulings and philosophy in light of the Quran and Sunnah”. This study was described by its author as one which “took several years of continuous work, and occupied his thought for decades”. The fruits of this work are presented in a momentous book of two volumes, in which he puts forward, from the wasati perspective, his views on this critical issue, elaborating his theory on jihad, which he hopes will contribute towards forming consensus on this grave matter.  The book springs from the conviction that “it is dangerous and wrong to misunderstand jihad, to shed inviolate blood in its name, to violate property and lives and to taint Muslims and Islam with violence and terrorism, while Islam is completely innocent of such an accusation. However, our problem in such grave matters is that the truth gets lost between the two extremes of exaggeration and laxity.”

Our exposition of this momentous work will focus on clarifying the general view of jihad in Islam according to Shaykh Qaradawi based on the Quran and the Sunnah and their interaction with the tafsir and fiqh heritage as seen in the historical contexts in which it emerged, and through the current state of the Muslim ummah as it is engaged in major conflicts with the forces of despotism or with external forces, under the current power balances, a modern culture that glorifies the value of freedom, and an international law that recognises state sovereignty and limits legitimate war to self-defence. Within these contexts, Al-Qaradawi’s view of jihad was formed. What we wish to explore is not its details, but the general picture – what is novel in it, particularly in relation to major questions, such as jihad’s relation to freedom, and to relations between Muslims and others, whether it is inside or outside Muslim societies. So, what are the foundations of this methodology? What is jihad? What are its forms? What are its goals? Defensive or offensive? Between Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Kufr? What are the rulings regarding captives in Islam? Is there jihad within the ummah? Where is jihad in the ummah’s current causes?

1. Issues of methodology:

In the introduction, the author defined the foundations for his study thus:
a. Relying on the Quran as the absolutely authentic text which serves as the criterion for other sources including the Prophetic Sunnah. It is to be understood using the logic of its original language, Arabic, without forcing meaning onto the text, and on the basis that all its verses were revealed to be applied, “thus we questioned at length the claim of those who say that there is a verse in the Quran, which they called Ayat al-Sayf (the verse of the sword), which has allegedly abrogated one hundred and forty verses or more, although they differed over which verse that is”. The author almost entirely invalidates the principle of abrogation in the Quran, depriving the extremists of a sharp weapon with which they have disabled hundreds of verses promoting kindness, forgiveness, dealing with non-Muslims with wisdom and beautiful preaching and distinguishing between a hostile unjust minority amongst non-Muslims with which defensive jihad can be used, and a peaceful majority towards which justice and kindness are due. 
b. Relying on authentic Sunnah which does not contradict stronger evidence, such as the Quran. Thus the author judges as weak sayings such as “I was sent with the sword” and others, using the tools of the science of Hadith. He also interprets an authentic hadith which commands fighting against people until they say “there is no God but Allah”, by taking the generic word “people” as being used to mean a specific group, that is the hostile Arab polytheists.
c. Benefiting from the rich heritage of fiqh, without bias towards a particular school, and without restricting oneself to the well-known schools, basing himself on the methods of comparative law, analysis, critique and selecting the most suitable opinion. He distinguishes between Fiqh and Shariah: the latter being of divine origin, and the former the product of intellectual effort to deduce the rulings of Shariah. True fiqh is not what is copied from books, but rather the jurist’s own ijtihad (intellectual exertion) to produce something suitable for his specific time and place, particularly as in our time, major changes have taken place.
d. Using the method of comparison between Islam and other religions and legal systems. 
e. Relating fiqh to the current reality: The Muslim faqih (jurist) when speaking about jihad must realise the fixed principles in this matter, such as the law of tadaafu` (mutual checking), the obligation to prepare all possible sources of power to ward off the enemies, and to fight against those who initiate fighting against the Muslims, the prohibition of transgression, etc. There are, however, other matters that have emerged (considered mutaghayyirat, or changing factors), such as condemnation of war, seeking peace, and the emergence of international law, human rights conventions, the United Nations, and the sovereignty of states. In this respect, the author affirms that “we can live, under Islam, in a world that promotes peace and security rather than fear, tolerance rather than fundamentalism, love rather than hatred. We can live with the United Nations, international law, human rights conventions and environmentalist groups. In truth, our main problem with our rigid brothers who have closed all doors and insisted on a single viewpoint is that they live in the past and not the present, in books rather than reality”. 
f. Adopting the methodology of wasatiyya (moderation) in da’wah (preaching), teaching, ifta’ (issuing legal edicts), research, reform and revival. Among the principles of this methodology in fiqh is to revive religion from within, through new ijtihads for our time, just as our previous scholars did for their time, through understanding secondary texts in the light of primary objectives, being firm when it comes to usool (fundamentals) and flexible in furu` (secondary matters), seeking wisdom whatever its source, and balancing between contemporary changes and Shariah fundamentals.
g. While studying “Fiqh al-Jihad”, one can easily perceive its author’s care not to present himself as the sole proponent of the above views amongst jurists. Instead he is very keen to refer to supporting views amongst old and contemporary scholars, even if such views were neglected or ignored, removing the dust that had collected and shedding light on them, presenting them in a more attractive appearance, and thus giving them new life. He is also careful to support his views with relevant values and expertise from modern culture, benefiting from his profound knowledge of the sources of Islamic culture and his familiarity with modern culture. Thus he constructs a new, coherent, well-rooted yet contemporary view of Islamic jihad, one which shares a wide common space with contemporary culture in relation to war and peace. What is new in this view is not the details, for its parts are scattered and buried deep inside books, but rather the whole picture, making this work a meeting point and a point of consensus, wherein all – or most – parties can find something familiar that facilitates their acceptance of what is unfamiliar. This ability to build consensus is a traditional characteristic of the great scholars. Thus the author does not exaggerate when describing the dire need among jurists, lawyers, Islamists, historians, Orientalists, diplomats, politicians, military men, and the educated masses for such a study.
2. The essence of jihad and its forms:

No Islamic concept has been the target of a continuous flow of attacks, and has brought a constant flow of attacks to Islam and Muslims, as much as that of jihad. It has fallen into the two extremes of exaggeration and laxity. The latter is promoted by a group that wants to abolish jihad from the life of the ummah, spreading the spirit of submission and surrender, under the guise of various calls such as tolerance and peace, described by the author as “agents of colonialism whose hostility to jihad is such that it has gone as far as creating groups which fabricated an Islam without jihad, and devoted themselves to promoting it, such as Bahais and Qadianis… At the other extreme, there is another group that makes of the concept of jihad a raging war it wages against the whole world, taking the natural state of things in relation to non-Muslims to be that of war, and regarding all people as enemies of Muslims, as long as they are not Muslim”. This latter group may agree with those Orientalists who define jihad, as in the encyclopaedia of Islam as “spreading Islam by the sword, an individual duty upon all Muslims, such that it is almost a sixth pillar of Islam” (Encyclopaedia of Islam, Arabic Translation, p. 2778).

The author tackles this extremism on both sides, through the linguistic analysis of the word jihad, which essentially means exerting oneself, making an effort, and through its occurrence in the Quran and Sunnah and its use by Muslim jurists. He concludes that there is a clear distinction between jihad and qital (fighting), as the command to engage in jihad was revealed in Mecca where there was no fighting, but rather jihad of da’wah (preaching) through the Quran, “And strive against them with the utmost endeavour with it (the Quran)” (p. 50-52). The word is also used in the Quran and Sunnah with various meanings, including exerting oneself in resisting the enemy, resisting the devil, resisting one’s desires, etc. Thus the word jihad is much wider than just fighting, for jihad, as the author quotes from Ibn Taymiyya, “can be with the heart, by calling to Islam, by countering invalid arguments, by advising or facilitating what is beneficial to Muslims, or by one’s body, that is fighting”.

The author further seeks support from a fourteenth century scholar, the eminent Ibn al-Qayyim, student of Ibn Taymiyya, in order to clarify the vast scope of jihad, which makes every Muslim a mujahid – but not a muqatil (fighter) by necessity. Ibn al-Qayyim concluded from his study of the process of Islamic da’wah that there are 13 levels of jihad: first, jihad al-nafs (jihad of the self) which comprises 4 levels, exerting oneself to learn the guidance, to act upon it, to call to it, and to persevere on those actions; second, jihad against shaytan, which includes 2 levels, struggling against the doubts in one’s faith which Satan instigates, and resisting the desires and corruption to which he calls; third, jihad against the non-believers and hypocrites, including 4 levels: with one’s heart, tongue, wealth, and self; and fourth, jihad against the oppressors and the corrupt, comprising 3 levels: with one’s hand if possible, if not then with one’s tongue, if not then with one’s heart. The author differs in regarding jihad against oppression and corruption as preceding jihad against disbelief and external transgression, while stressing that peaceful confrontation is to be adopted against oppressors “profiting from the reasonable forms which others have developed in confronting unjust rulers, such as elected parliaments, parties, and the separation of powers” (p. 198).

The author also stresses the importance of intellectual and cultural jihad “through the establishment of specialist Islamic academic centres, catering for exceptional youth – academically and morally – in order to prepare them academically and intellectually in a methodology that unites our heritage and modern culture… We do not call for isolation from the rest of the world, but rather to cultural and civilisational interaction. We choose what to take or leave based on our own philosophy and criteria, just as they had borrowed from us in the past concepts and inventions which they then developed and used to build their civilization. What we take will be imbued with our own spirit, character and moral heritage such that it becomes a part of our intellectual and moral system, losing its original character” (p. 190-192).

The author concludes in his study of the fiqh of jihad in Islam that there are two types of jihad: civil and military – meaning fighting against enemies who attack Muslims, which necessitates preparing for it when there is a need; this type is a matter for states. Spiritual civil jihad “encompasses the academic, scientific, cultural, social, economic, educational, health, medical, environmental and civilisational fields. The objective of this civil jihad is to exert oneself for Allah’s sake in order to educate the ignorant, employ the unemployed, train workers, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless, treat the ill, achieve self-sufficiency for the needy, build schools for pupils, universities for students, mosques for worshippers, clubs for sports lovers to practice their hobbies” (p. 215).

3. Objectives of jihad

Islam is a call to peace; it abhors war, but cannot prevent it, hence it prepares for it, but does not wage it unless it is forced upon it, which is due to Islam’s realistic nature and its recognition of sunnat al-tadafu`, the law of mutual checking. However it has sought to limit its consequences by surrounding it with rules and ethics. Islam has not been the exception in recognising war of necessity amongst other religions, including Christianity, whose followers have been among the most frequent participants in conflicts and wars, both against other Christians and against others. Luke’s Gospel reads “I have come to bring fire on the earth… Do you think I came to bring peace on earth?”. The Old Testament contains numerous calls to genocide, against 7 nations that inhabited Palestine that had to be completely eradicated- such that the modern calls to “transfer” and massacres committed by modern Zionist gangs are but miniature versions.

Jihad in Islam has specific objectives which Al-Qaradawi summarises as repelling transgression; preventing fitna- that is guaranteeing freedom of faith for Muslims and others; saving the oppressed; punishing those who break treaties, and enforcing internal peace within the ummah. Thus, expansion and appropriation are not amongst the objectives of jihad, nor is the eradication of disbelief from this world, for that is against God’s law of difference and mutual checking. Nor do the objectives of jihad include imposing Islam on those who do not believe in it, for that contravenes God’s law of diversity and pluralism (pp. 423).

4. Military Jihad: Between Daf’ and Talab (Defensive and Offensive Jihad)

Following the tradition of classical and contemporary jurists, Al-Qaradawi questions the nature of jihad and its status in Islam: Is it of a religious nature, meaning it is obligatory upon Muslims to fight non-believers until they embrace Islam or submit to its authority, which they call jihad al-talab, that is voluntary offensive jihad? Or is it of a political nature, necessitated by the need to defend the lands of Islam against transgressors and to defend Muslims against those who prevent them from freedom of faith, and the oppressed generally- which they have termed jihad al-daf`, that is necessary defensive jihad, which, if Muslims must engage it, should be engaged in with pure intentions, for God’s sake, and following strict ethical guidelines which cannot be neglected.

Classically, and in the modern era, jurists have been divided between two groups, which al-Qaradwi calls the hujumiyyin (proponents of offensive jihad) and difa`iyyin (proponents of defensive jihad), proclaiming his proud adherence to the second group. The hujumiyyin consider it an obligation for the Muslim nation to attack the land of the non-believers at least once a year in order to call to Islam and expand its territories. They hold disbelief per se as a sufficient reason to initiate war and legitimate killing, even if non-believers do not attack or harm Muslims, to the extent that Muslims would be sinful if they do not do so. The proponents of this view, a large number of jurists, most prominent of which among classical scholars is Imam al-Shafi`i, and among contemporary thinkers are Sayyid Qutb and al-Mawdudi, support their view with evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah, and from historical practice. The Quranic texts used call for fighting against all polytheists, such as verse 36 of surat al-Tawba “and fight the polytheists all together as they fight you all together”, verse 5 “Kill the idolaters wherever you find them”, and verse 29 “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day… until they pay the Jizya with willing submission”. They differed as to which of those verses is the one they called Ayat al-Sayf, or verse of the sword, which, according to them, abrogated all contradicting verses, over 200 such verses calling for mercy, forgiveness and freedom of belief, prohibiting compulsion in faith and severity, and considering the judgment of people’s faith a matter to be left to God alone. They also sought support from prophetic sayings such as “I have been commanded to fight people until they say ‘there is no God but Allah’” (narrated by Bukhari). They also consider the early Islamic conquests as evidence for their view that war, rather than peace, is the natural state in Muslims’ dealings with others.

Al-Qaradawi’s disagreement with the above group does not prevent him from looking for excuses for them, particularly classical scholars, due to the relations between states at their time, which were based on power and war, and due to the existential threat to which Islam had been subjected since its birth in the Arab peninsula.
Al-Qaradawi stresses, alongside classical and contemporary scholars, the consensus that jihad becomes obligatory upon every Muslim if a Muslim land is attacked, or Muslims suffer fitna (are prevented from freedom of faith), and that every Muslim must practice some form of jihad, be it striving against one’s desires, against evil and corruption, and striving to promote good and support religion, as much as one is able to. However, Al-Qaradawi, through his study and analysis of the various texts related to jihad and the views of classical and contemporary scholars concluded the following:

1. That Quranic verses, particularly those of surat al-Tawba commanding fighting against all polytheists, are to be understood as a reaction and an equal retribution, just as the verse says “as they fight you all together”, and not a general command or a basis for dealing with all non-Muslims, but was rather concerning a specific group of the Arab polytheists which declared war on Islam since its emergence, chased it out and followed it to its new home, broke treaties and mobilized everyone to eradicate it “Will you not fight people who violated their oaths, plotted to expel the Messenger, and took the aggressive by being the first to assault you?” (The Quran, 9:13). Within the same chapter, as well as in other chapters, there are limits and conditions restricting the above –seemingly general- command: “And if they incline to peace, then incline to it” (8:61). There is no need to set one verse of the Quran against another; rather one should look at all relevant verses and ahadith, all of which confirm the rule that Islam seeks peace with those who are peaceful towards it, and fights those who fight it.

2. Military jihad is not an individual obligation upon every Muslim, of the same level as the obligations of the testimony of faith, prayer, fasting, alms giving and pilgrimage, for despite its importance within Islam, it was not included in the inherent characteristics of the God-conscious in surat al-Baqara, nor in the characteristics of the believers as described in surat al-Anfal or surat al-Mu’minun, nor in the characteristics of those with true understanding as described in surat al-Ra`d, nor in the characteristics of the servants of the Most Merciful as described in surat al-Furqan, nor in the characteristics of the pious in surat al-Dhariat, nor of the righteous ones described in surat al-Insan. Thus, the practice of military jihad only becomes an obligation upon Muslims when its conditions arise such as an attack on Muslims, their land or their religion. Preparing for such an incidence, on the other hand, is an obligation upon them, according to their ability, in order to deter enemies and maintain peace.

3. There is no obligation upon Muslims to invade the lands of non-Muslims, if they are safe from them. It is sufficient for them to have a powerful army in possession of the latest weapons and trained soldiers guarding their borders and deterring enemies such that the latter do not thing of attacking Muslims, for the collective duty to be fulfilled (p. 91). It is worth noting that Al-Qaradawi prefers using the term non-Muslims instead of kuffar or disbelievers, for that is the way of the Quran which uses the terms “O people of the Book”, “O people”, “O Man”, “O Children of Israel”, “My people”, “O Children of Adam”. It never addressed non-Muslims as disbelievers, except in a few exceptional cases where there were negotiations regarding creed.

4. Islam recognised freedom of belief and each individual’s responsibility for his belief before God. On that basis, its societies, on the whole, did not experience religious wars. Under it, various monotheistic and pagan religions coexisted and continue to coexist, under the system of Dhimma which granted citizenship to non-Muslims regardless of religion. All they needed to do in order to enjoy the rights of protection by the Muslim state alongside Muslims was for those able to pay the jizya tax to do so, which is equivalent to the military service tax in some modern systems. According to Al-Qaradawi, unifying the tax rate and generalising military service make such a system which has been misunderstood and misused unnecessary.

5. It was historical conditions, rather than the texts of Islam, that made many jurists believe offensive jihad to invade non-Muslim lands to be obligatory. The ummah was constantly threatened by its powerful neighbours, the Persians and Romans (p. 82), and there were no international laws based on mutual recognition of state sovereignty and prohibition of hostility as is the case today- despite their contravention by the powerful.

6. The natural state of affairs in relations between Muslim and others is peace and cooperation in goodness. Islam abhors war and only engages in it unwillingly and as a necessity “Fighting is prescribed for you, though it is hateful to you” (Quran, 2:216). Peace is the essential character of Islam; it is the greeting of Muslims, the greeting of the people of Paradise, it is one of the names of Allah. The most hated name in Allah’s sight is Harb- which means war, one of the ancient Arab names, as Arabs were warriors. However, when the Prophet, peace be upon him, was told by his son-in-law that his daughter Fatima had given birth to a boy and that he called him Harb, he commanded him to name him Hasan (meaning good).

7. Islam welcomes international conventions that prohibit transgression and promote peace between nations, and welcomes international bodies that protect such laws, such as the United Nations, UNESCO, etc. However, the West still maintains its belief in the principle of power in its relation with other states and other nations. An example of that is the exclusive enjoyment of its major states of the right to veto, in a flagrant disregard for the principle of equality, thus guaranteeing the protection of their interest and the avoidance of any condemnation of its violations, as the US and UK did in their invasion of Iraq, without any legitimacy, with full impunity from any condemnation, and similarly with their continuous protection of the Zionists’ various forms of hostility against Palestine and its people.

8. Under international recognition of human rights, including freedom of belief and preaching, as well as freedom to establish institutions and protect minorities, one of the principal justifications of jihad al-talab becomes redundant, that is invasion in order to enable the call to Islam by dismantling oppressive regimes which used to prevent their people from thinking freely or choosing beliefs that are different to those of their rulers, such as the Pharaoh who reprimanded the Children of Israel for believing without his permission: “He said: You believe in him before I give you leave?” (Quran, 20:71). In contrast, today, unprecedentedly, in any previous era of Islam history, mosques and Muslim minorities are found everywhere, making our need greater for “huge armies of competent preachers, teachers, media experts, all suitably trained and able to address the world in its different languages, and using methods of this modern age, which, unfortunately, we possess less than a thousandth of what is required”, (p.16). Al-Qaradawi laments that you may find many who are ready to die for Allah’s sake, but very few who are willing to live for His sake.

9. The sources of Islam reveal that, according to Islam, the world is three abodes: dar al-Islam, the abode of Islam, where its law reigns, where its rituals are publicly practiced, and where its adherents and preachers are secure; Dar al-`ahd- the abode of accord, that is states between which and the Muslim state there is mutual recognition and prohibition of hostility; and finally dar harb, or the abode of war. Al-Qaradawi regards Muslims, in view of their being part of the system of the United Nations, as being in a state of accord/pact with other states, except with the Zionist state, because of its usurpation of the land of Palestine and its dispossession of its people, which unfortunately took place with the support of major states. Thus Al-Qaradawi considers the greatest problem in our relation with the West to be its constant and unlimited support of Israel and its continuous aggression against Palestine and its people.

10. Al-Qaradawi distinguishes between jihad and irhab- terrorism, or between legitimate irhab -being feared by the enemy to deter it from any aggression, and illegitimate irhab, that is terrorizing innocent people as done by groups using the name of Islam, which declare world on the whole world in an illegitimate use of jihad in an inappropriate setting, terrorizing innocent people- Muslims and non-Muslims- in order to achieve alleged political ends inside or outside Muslim lands, flagrantly contravening the principles and ethics of jihad in Islam. Hence Al-Qaradawi condemned violent acts committed by extremist groups in Muslim and non-Muslim countries against innocent people, whether tourists or others. He further stripped the indiscriminate killing and shedding of innocent lives committed by these groups of any legitimacy.

11. Al-Qaradawi is extremely careful to distinguish between extremist groups that declare war on the whole world, killing indiscriminately, tainting the image of Islam and providing its enemies with fatal weapons to use against it, on the one hand, and on the other groups resisting occupation. And as much as he condemns the former and delegitimizes its foundations, he defends the latter, and calls on the ummah to support them, particularly in Palestine, as long as their operations are against military targets. He does not hesitate to justify martyrdom operations, considering them to be the weapon of one with no other options, who is deprived of equivalent weapons to those of the enemy, in order to defend his home and his land. God’s justice does not allow the weak to be completely deprived of any weapon, hence the latter’s use of his own body as a deterrent weapon. In any case, the ethics of jihad must always be respected, and only combatants can be targeted.

12. As he stresses that the first jihad to be obligatory upon the ummah in this age is liberation from colonialism, particularly in Palestine, Al-Qaradawi warns and stresses the fallacy of those who wrongly believe that the conflict between us and Zionists is due to the fact that they are Semites- for we are also Semites, both of us coming from the progeny of Abraham- or that it is a religious conflict- for Muslims regard Jews as People of the Book, whose food is lawful, with whom marriage is lawful, and who have lived amongst Muslims in safety and have sought refuge in our lands when Spain and other European countries expelled them, finding refuge nowhere but among Muslims. In reality, the conflict between us and Zionists started for one single reason: their appropriation of the land of Palestine, dispossessed its people, and imposed their presence with violence. The conflict will continue as long as its causes remain. No one can give up any Muslim land, but it is possible to have a truce with Israel for an agreed period of time. As for the principle of “Land for Peace”, it is indeed a bizarre principle imposed by the logic of the enemy’s brute force, for the land is our land, not the enemy’s, so that it can bargain it in return for peace (p. 1090).

13. Just as he, and his mentor Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali, had a leading role in confronting those extremist groups and preventing them from hijacking Islam and diverting it from its mainstream towards the margins, through stripping their actions of any legitimacy based on jihad, both inside and outside Muslim lands, Al-Qaradawi praised the important revisions made by the most important of those groups, which found great support in his writings- after having attacked and rejected his views- in order to engage in their revisions, which he described as brave and enlightened (p. 1168).

5. Ethics of Jihad:

“War in Islam is ethical, just like politics, economics, science and work, none which is divorced from ethics, in contrast to war in western civilisation, which is not necessarily bound by ethics.” For Muslims, war is governed by a moral code, because morals are not an option, but rather an essential part of religion. That includes: a) Islam’s prohibition of the use of unethical methods to infiltrate the enemy and obtain their secrets- including sex, intoxicants, etc. b) prohibition of transgression, as the Quran commands “Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but do not transgress. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors.” (2:190). The author interprets transgression to mean killing non-combatants, by killing women, children, the elderly, the ill, farmers, and others not engaged in fighting (p. 728). The ethics of jihad also include the prohibition of mutilation of the enemy. c) the fulfilment of agreements and prohibition of treachery and betrayal. d) Prohibition of cutting down trees and demolishing buildings. e) The non-legitimacy, islamically, of what is called weapons of mass destruction, such as chemical, biological or nuclear weapons which kills thousands or millions at once, without discriminating between the guilty and innocent, destroying life and all living beings. Islam prohibits the use of such weapons, because Islam prohibits the killing of non-combatants, as the Prophet, peace be upon him, strongly condemned the killing of one woman in one battle. However, that does not prevent the ummah from seeking to acquire such deterrent weapons, since others are in possession of them and can threaten Muslims nations with those weapons, particularly as the Zionist enemy which has usurped its land is in possession of such weapons, and their scripture legitimises the obliteration of all their neighbours. What is astonishing is that America and other great nations prohibit other nations from possessing these weapons, while they themselves possess them. They prevent Arab and Muslim states from acquiring them, while Israel possesses over two hundred nuclear heads. The mutual deterrence between the western and eastern blocks had contributed to the maintenance of world peace, and similarly between India and Pakistan. Such weapons cannot be used, except in the most exceptional circumstances, when a nation is subject to an existential threat (p. 592). F) Islam enjoins its mujahidin to treat captives kindly. After a detailed discussion of all texts and all juristic opinions concerning war captives, particularly on the question of whether they can be killed, the author concluded that the final ruling is that revealed in surat Muhammad “either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves)” (47:4), possibly with the exception of war criminals. On the whole, the author approves the articles of the Geneva Convention regarding the treatment of captives.

In conclusion: Al-Qaradawi’s study on the fiqh of jihad can be regarded as an authentic Islamic ijtihad, upholding the principle of jihad as an eternal Islamic mechanism of defence in its wider meaning, one which has suffered a great number of misrepresentations leading to tainting the image of Islam. Al-Qaradawi recuperates the effectiveness and moderation of this mechanism, taking it out of the hands of extremists. His courage in standing up to the campaigns waged against the concept of Islam has been just as great as his courage in rejecting the arguments of extremist groups who declare war against the entire world. He did not shy away from criticising the great number of jurists who uphold the principle of offensive war (jihad al-talab), nor was he ashamed of his proud adherence to the group believing in jihad as defensive only. He continues to counter the arguments of the former group, without fear or hesitation, without injustice, undermining or misrepresenting the views of those he disagrees with, but rather he seeks excuses for them. He has continued to do so, until he almost destroyed what is known as jihad al-talab, establishing instead defensive jihad in its wider meaning, jihad with no trace of relation to the charge of terrorism -which he clearly distinguishes from legitimate resistance of occupation-, a jihad with ethics that agree with international conventions and their principles, values and laws prohibiting aggression, occupation, the use of weapons of mass destruction and the torture of captives; a jihad that welcomes an open world in which ideas and persons move freely, dealing through proofs and arguments rather than violence and power, until the most valid triumphs. Through such a presentation of jihad, Al-Qaradawi has opened a vast space for dialogue, tolerance, agreement and coexistence between Islam and other religions, human values, and international accords, enabling a response to the eternal Quranic call “O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct.” (49:13)
From a lecture at Edinburgh University :: September 9, 2009

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Penulisan Hadits dan Qur'an

Ada yang bertanya mengapa kalau hadits sudah ditulis sejak jaman Rasulullah SAW hidup kok harus dicantumkan para perawinya. Saya lihat sepertinya ada ambigous context dalam pertanyaan tersebut yang saya ingin clearkan dulu...


Hadits memang telah ditulis sejak zaman Rasulullah SAW dalam lembaran2 suhuf yg dimiliki beberapa sahabat dan murid mereka. Pendapat ini pernah saya posting sebelumnya di milis IMSA. Dr. M. Mustafa Azami seorang hadith scholar yang menyelesaikan doktoralnya dalam bidang hadith dari Cambridge University menulis dalam bukunya "Studies of Early Hadith Literature" mengenai kumpulan hadits yang ditulis oleh para sahabat Nabi, termasuk di dalamnya "Ash-Shahifa ash-Shadiqa" yang memuat kumpulan haditsnya Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash RA (w. 65 AH) dan "Ash-Shahifa Hammam ibn Munabbih" yang memuat kumpulan haditsnya Abu Hurairah RA (w. 60 AH). Beberapa list of early compilation of hadith bisa juga dibaca di link ini.

  1. `Abd Allah ibn `Amr ibn al-`As (d. 63), al-Sahifa al- Sadiqa, originally containing about 1,000 hadiths of which 500 reached us, copied down by `Abd Allah directly from the Prophet - upon him blessings and peace - and transmitted to us by his great-grandson `Amr ibn Shu`ayb (d. 118);
  2. Hammam ibn Munabbih's (d. 101 or 131) al-Sahifa al- Sahiha which has reached us complete in two manuscripts containing 138 hadiths narrated by Hammam from Abu Hurayra (d. 60), from the Prophet - upon him blessings and peace;
  3. The lost folios of Aban ibn `Uthman (d. 105) the son of `Uthman ibn `Affan (d. 35), from whom Muhammad ibn Ishaq (80-150/152) narrated;
  4. The accomplished works of `Urwa (d. ~92-95) - the son of al-Zubayr ibn al-`Awwam and grandson of Asma' and `A'isha the learned daughters of Abu Bakr the Truthful. `Urwa ordered them burnt, after a lifetime of teaching from them, during the sack of Madina by the armies of Syro-Palestine under Yazid ibn Mu`awiya in 63;
  5. Muhammad ibn Shihab al-Zuhri's (d. 120) Sira, from which Ibn Ishaq also borrowed much;
  6. `Asim ibn `Umar ibn Qatada ibn al-Nu`man al-Ansari's (d. 120 or 129) Maghazi and Manaqib al-Sahaba, another principal thiqa source for Ibn Ishaq and others;
  7. `Abd Allah ibn Abi Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn `Amr ibn Hazm al-Ansari's (d. 135) tome, another main source for Ibn Ishaq Ibn Sa`d, and others;
  8. The most reliable Sira of the Madinan Musa ibn `Uqba al-Asadi (d. 141), praised by Imam Malik and used by Ibn Sa`d and others.

Other resources yg bisa dibaca: (Dr.M.Hamidullah adalah Muslim scholar yang menginvestigasi manuscripts dari Hammam bin Munabih, muridnya Abu Hurairah RA, yang ditemukan di library di Damascus dan di Berlin).


Hadits2 yang ditemukan dalam suhuf2 para sahabat ini jelas berbeda metode penulisannya dengan yg bisa ditemukan dalam kitab2 hadits kumpulan para Imam hadits seperti Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud dll, yang memang datang di jaman yang berbeda setelah para sahabat dan tabi'in, yang perlu mencantumkan list of narrators (isnad) sebagai usaha mereka memverifikasi reliability dari narrators/perawi tersebut. Sedangkan hadits yang ditulis para shahabat tidak mencantumkan isnad ini kecuali bila mereka tidak mendengar langsung dari Nabi.

Meskipun demikian, Dr. M.Hamidullah, yang meneliti beberapa manuscripts Hammam bin Munabih, menemukan hadits2 dalam manuscripts tsb juga ditemukan serupa dengan hadits2 yang ditulis dalam kitab2 hadits oleh Imam2 yang hadits yang datang di jauh hari berdasarkan pencarian mereka sendiri, yang menunjukkan proofs of the reliability of these reports.

Early hadith manuscripts Sahifah Hummam bin Munabbih bisa dibaca di bukunya Dr.M.Hamidullah "An introduction to the conservation of hadith" ( 

Kalau mengenai hal salinan/copy hadits dari original source, mengapa hanya hadits yang dipertanyakan? Mushaf Al Qur'an yang kita baca juga salinan dari copy mushaf yang juga salinan suhuf2 yang ditulis di jaman Nabi SAW (yang dikumpulkan selepas beliau wafat di jaman Abu Bakar, dan dibukukan di jaman Utsman bin Affan dan disebarkan copynya ke beberapa wilayah kekhalifahan Islam). Jadi kita sebenarnya juga tidak memiliki original source tulisan al Qur'an dari jaman Nabi, bahkan original mushaf asli dari jaman Utsman pun tidak ada yang tahu pasti ada di mana. Kedua mushaf Qur'an tertua di museum Topkapi dan Tashkent meskipun diperkirakan dari 1st century hijra, masih diperdebatkan apakah mushaf tsb merupakan benar2 original copy dari mushaf Utsman. Apakah dengan tidak adanya original source atau salinan langsung dari original source ini berarti Al Qur'an tidak bisa dipercaya lagi? 

Pertanyaan ini adalah pertanyaan mendasar setiap orang yang meneliti otentisitas al Qur'an maupun hadits. Kita tidak perlu takut untuk bertanya, daripada disimpan di dalam hati tanpa adanya usaha mencari jawabannya, karena lama kelamaan kalau tidak dijawab, kalau pertanyaan yg sama muncul lagi ini bisa menimbulkan doubts terhadap iman di hati. Qur'an sendiri banyak menchallenge pembacanya untuk membuktikan kebenarannya, bukan hanya challenge tapi method to prove it false (4:82). But it's up to everyone the best way how to deal with his/her faith.

Sebenarnya point yang saya mau tunjukkan adalah bahwa the reliability of the Qur'an, juga hadits or any oral transmission for that matter, tidak tergantung kepada aspek tulisan semata, tapi tradisi penghapalan dan konsistensi antara satu report dengan yang lain. Karena evidences of EARLY written manuscripts mendukung tingkat reliability dari suatu penghapalan narasi/report, aspek yang satu ini sering menjadi modus operandi orientalists untuk mengkritik authenticity of the Qur'an maupun hadits Nabi. Ini dikarenakan evidence of early writings tidak dijumpai dalam studi kitab2 suci lainnya (Bible, Gita, Veda, etc) sebagaimana halnya Qur'an.

Sebagai contoh reliability of the Qur'an tidak tergantung semata2 kepada tulisan/mushaf, kalau semisalnya semua mushaf Al Qur'an di atas bumi dibakar, umat Islam bisa menuliskan the exact same copy of the mushaf karena tradisi penghapalan yang kuat ini yang diwariskan turun temurun sejak jaman Nabi SAW, pembacaannya dalam shalat setiap hari, tradisi tadarusan/study daily-weekly-monthly baik secara individu maupun groups, dst. Tradisi penghapalan yang kuat ini bukan hanya Qur'an tetapi juga hadits Nabi.  

Ini dilihat dari segi reliability/authenticity of the text, belum dari segi analysis of its content (seperti yang mas Arif tulis), meskipun keduanya IMHO independent of each other. Tanda-tanda mu'jizat Al Qur'an bisa dipelajari dari segi balaghah sastra ayat2nya, konsistensi satu ayat dengan yang lain, ayat2 science yang jauh lebih maju dari masa diturunkannya, prophecies/ramalan2 masa depan yang terbukti kebenarannya, juga tanda2 kebenarannya seperti disebutkan dalam kitab2 sebelumnya. Hal yang sama juga bisa dilihat dari hadits Nabi SAW meskipun memang dari segi balaghah hadits jauh beda dengan Qur'an yang membuktikan the "author" of the Qur'an is not the same as the "author" of hadith. 

Kalau kita belajar hadits lebih jauh, tidak sedikit hadits2 yang mengandung kandungan isyarat mengenai science, meskipun IMHO tidak semuanya bisa diinterpret literally (termasuk hadits Nabi "antum a'lamu bi umuri dunyakum"). Ada buku2 bagus mengenai hal ini:
  • "Mukjizat Al Qur'an dan As-Sunnah tentang IPTEK" (dua volumes, berdasarkan research papers yang ditulis Muslim scholars dalam seminar Islam internasional di Indonesia tahun 1994), 
  • "Pembuktikan sains dalam Sunnah" (3 volumes, yang ditulis Dr.Zaghlul An-Najjar) yang membahas hadits2 yang bisa dianalisa kebenarannya berdasarkan sains modern.
Hadits2 Nabi juga banyak mengandung prophecies Nabi SAW mengenai kejadian2 di masa selepas beliau termasuk tanda2 di akhir zaman, yang sebagian telah terbukti kebenarannya dan sebagian lagi belum lagi datang masanya.

Hadits sebagaimana layaknya historical record bisa dianalisa sumbernya (sanad) dan content/textnya (matan). Keshahihan sanad belum tentu berkorelasi dengan keshahihan matan. Studi mengenai matan hadits ini bisa dibaca dalam banyak buku kritik hadits, seperti yg ditulis oleh Mustafa Assibai, Yusuf Qardhawi, Ali Mustafa Yaqub, dll. Banyak metode dan analisa yg digunakan para hadith scholars untuk menganalisa matan hadits, seperti metode tarjih, asbabul wurud, illat, analisa lafazh, majaz/allegorical, dst. Point yg biasanya ditekankan adalah jangan terburu2/gegabah mengklaim hadits tidak percaya tanpa belum adanya usaha sungguh2 untuk menganalisanya.

Berikut ini ceramah mengenai hadits oleh Dr.Jonathan Brown dari Univ of Washington di MIT (beberapa bulan yang lalu saya sempat bertemu dengannya waktu berkunjung ke Salem, OR, dan dia bilang akan pindah mengajar ke salah satu universitas di Washington DC area):

Tolong dikoreksi bila ada yang salah.
Semoga bermanfaat...
